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Media Release

The Honor Coin

News Sergio Honor Coin

Our founder, John VanderLaan made Kent Companies’ core values clear from the beginning. He said, “You’ve got to put your people first.” Sixty-five years, three generations, and 1,800 team members later, that still rings true. Generation after generation, we’ve focused on building people, building teams, and building remarkable projects. Three generations of growth are bound by the irrefutable truth that people are at the core of all we do.

So how do we honor our people? We look for individuals who go above and beyond delivering on our Four Hallmarks – Safety, Productivity, Quality, and Customer Service.

To celebrate and acknowledge the contributions of these exceptional team members, Kent Companies established the Honor Coin in 2015. We minted only 100 silver coins, and they are only awarded for extraordinary contributions related to our Four Hallmarks.  The Honor Coin represents diligence, hard work, and commitment on behalf of the recipient. On behalf of Kent Companies, it represents sheer gratitude.

Honor Coin nominations come from team members who recognize the leadership contributions of others. “Peer-to-peer recognition is the foundation of this program, and it reinforces our merit-shop culture,” shares Chief Talent Officer Ryan Kucyznski. “The Honor Coin is an incredible tradition, and it adds pride and unity to our team.”

During the 2023 spring town halls, we awarded Sergio Gardiner an Honor Coin for his contributions to our East Michigan team. Gardiner is a 15-year veteran of Kent Companies. As the team’s primary pump operator, Gardiner is widely recognized as a servant leader.

“Sergio sets the example for our team on a daily basis,” shares Project Manager Ryan Boggs. Boggs nominated Gardiner for recognition. “Sergio prides himself on quality and strives for it in everything he does. The first one in the door everyday and the last one out, Sergio ensures that every pour is safe, productive, and quality controlled.”

Since inception, a wide range of team members have been recognized with the Honor Coin. From our human resources manager who guided our team through the woes of the pandemic, to field team members and project managers who deliver for our customers every day. Kent Companies is forever indebted to these incredible team members who go above and beyond so that we can call ourselves the Leaders in Concrete.

For more on the Honor Coin and to see a list of past recipients, visit our website.